Are you ready for MAMA?

Heard of MAMA? I’m really so excited and can’t wait to catch MAMA in cinemas. So based on the trailer, it seems quite scary but what excites me is the story plot. I am very curious as to why is there a child in a closet and why “A Mother’s Love is Forever”, the movie’s tagline.


If you had watched MAMA, do share with me if you would really encouraged me to watch this movie. And for those who have not, watch this trailer.



Fighting (2009)

So finally, last Saturday night, I decided to watch Fighting, anticipating all the great actions from the fighting scenes. Here’s what I’ve got to say about it!Image

Fighting (2009) is about Shawn MacArthur (Channing Tatum), a gentle son of a wrestling coach that earns a living by selling fake products in New York City.  He then faced a group of “thieves” who were trying to obstruct him from selling fake products by the streets. Things get violent when the group of “thieves” started to attack Shawn and snatched his products. Everything became chaotic and messy.  Being persistent, Shawn fought back to get his items. It was quite clear that a man was behind this set up, trying to see if Shawn was strong enough to fight back. True enough, Shawn fought back till he had to run away from the cops.  This fighting scene made me felt intrigued to finish watching the movie despite the fact of the unstable and shaky shots along the way. I would honestly say, the first fighting scene was indeed crucial in the first 5 minutes of the movie and I have to compliment the Dito Montiel, writer and director of Fighting, for this smart move.


The plot gets more exciting as Shawn met Harvey Boarden (Terence Howard), a guy who offered him a ‘job’ where he can make easy money. In fact, Harvey was the one who set up the theft in the beginning. Being stubborn, Shawn was reluctant to believe Harvey’s words but later on, he changed his mind. Money was the motivation. Shawn had to earn a living thus, he trusted Harvey and agreed to be a fighter and had to wait for Harvey’s calls or sms every single day for a fight. It was here that I thought that Harvey was some kind of agent hiring professional boxers or wrestlers but I was wrong. The twisting plot became more exciting because things became unpredictable in this movie thus far.

Along the way, Shawn met a girl, Zulay Velez (Zulay Henao) who lives with her daughter and grandmother. They met in the beginning when Zulay wanted to buy the fake product from Shawn. They met again in a club after Shawn’s first fight and that was when sparks flew between them and they became closer. However, things got way too complicated when Shawn found out that Zulay and Harvey knew each other. I think this was interesting because I was also shocked to know that there was something going on between Zulay and Harvey. But it turns out that Zulay had been helping Harvey to bet on fights and they had always pretended that they didn’t know each other. This was quite confusing at first but intelligent because many would have thought that Zulay and Harvey are having a relationship or sort of.


The last fight was the most anticipated scene. The moment Shawn bumped into his rival, Evan Hailey (Brian White) back in those school days, we all can guessed that something was going to happened between Shawn and Evan. It was inevitable that the tension arise whenever they made eye contact in the club will eventually lead to a big finale fight.


Throughout all the fight scenes, it was obvious that Shawn is someone who possessed no great skills but his positive attitude and determination finally leads him to victory and this is the kind of movie I enjoy watching. I would give Fighting (2009) 3 and ½ stars!




“All I’m saying is that I don’t wanna lose!” – Shawn MacArthur

To those who have not watched it, do check it out and feel free to share with me your views on this action-packed movie.

